Note that you can also use what Oracle calls the ezconnect syntax which is
user/pass@host:port/service_name. Then no TNS is needed. Also note that
port only needs to be specified if its not 1521.


Michael Smith

Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers

On 10/14/15,  3:56 AM, "gdal-dev on behalf of Jukka Rahkonen"
< on behalf of> wrote:

>Andrea Peri <aperi2007 <at>> writes:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to test using gdal the access to an oracle dbms.
>> To do this I use the ogrinfo and try this sintax but without success.
>> ogrinfo OCI:username:password <at> "(DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS_LIST =
>> = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = <IP server dbms>)(PORT = <listener
>> port>)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SID =<the sid of dbms>))):<schema>.<table>"
>> The server return
>> ERROR 1: ORA-01005: null password given; logon denied
>>  in <unnamed>
>Don'n you have a record for your connection in the tnsnames.ora
>BlockedBlocked If you have,
>use @SERVICE_NAME with ogrinfo
>Read also carefully the manual page
>You wrote OCI:username:password  but it should be
>As documented "ogrinfo OCI:username/password@database_instance" is enough
>but at least in our environment it can take several minutes to read the
>metadata from Oracle if table list is not given for limiting the search.
>-Jukka Rahkonen-
>gdal-dev mailing list

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