My bad, I don't know how to produce a stack trace from within the VS debugger. I have it all visually but find no option to save it as a file.

I added a breakpoint at cpl_atomic_ops.cpp#L56 but it didn't stop there after the call to GDALClose(hDataset); Actually when stepping in it jumps directly from GDALClose() into CPLAtomicCompareAndExchange() but once there (due to crash) I can step back to other functions.
Sorry if it's not clear.

Do you have a GMT build with GDAL svn? Could you please try if this crashes for you

grdmath -Rd -I1 X = lixo.tiff:GTiff
grdinfo -R0/20/30/50 lixo.tiff

nLockCount should be set by

which uses InterlockedCompareExchange to change it.

Can you give the whole stack trace?

On Fri, Nov 13, 2015 at 6:47 PM, Joaquim Luis <> wrote:

I'm having strange crashes in GDAL (SVN) when called via GMT. The crashes occur at a call to


Now, this is only occurs when I try to read a sub-region of a grid but those are GMT details. It doesn't happen to colleagues on OSX but they are using gdal 1.11. Can't say that's the reason but this used to work for me as well on Windows (I >>should know because I wrote that code).

I built a GDAL debug and can see that the crash happens in cpl_atomic_ops.cpp

int CPLAtomicCompareAndExchange(volatile int* ptr, int oldval, int newval)
return (LONG)InterlockedCompareExchange((volatile LONG*)(ptr), (LONG)newval, (LONG)oldval) == (LONG)oldval;

because the 'ptr' is invalid. That function is called by gdalrasterblock.cpp


       if( CPLAtomicCompareAndExchange(&nLockCount, 0, -1) )

and the debugger tells me that

       nLockCount      <Unable to read memory>
and here I'm lost. Where is nLockCount supposed to be set?


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