Another option is to use GMT grdcontour program

gmt grdcontour 6800_2480.tif -C1 -Dlixo.dat -V

it creates a ~8.3 Mb ascii file with a memory consuption of ~50 Mb (Task manager info) that you can later convert to shp with ogr2ogr


I have problems creating contours with gdal_contour and some tiff files.
The following command

gdal_contour -i 1.0 6800_2480.tif out.shp

ends with "0Killed" after eating all memory and all swap. It happens with gdal 1.11 and gdal-master. It did work on a Ubuntu 10.04 machine (as far as
I remember). Now I'm on Ubuntu 14.04.

Comparing the source code, the algorithm hasn't fundamentaly changed, at least
since GDAL 1.5. I can reproduce your issue with latest trunk or 1.5.X.
It is related to the fact that your source dataset has floating point values. An easy workaround is to translate your raster into a Int16 one and contour
it. I've just tried it and it works.
Or you could possibly round values to 0.5 precision with for
perhaps a smoother result. But basically the contour alg seems to require a
lot of memory if every pixel is different from its neighbour (might be an
approximation of what happens as the algorithm is non trivial and I didn't
study it in detail).
It might be worth opening a ticket on that.


Tiff file can be found here:

Any ideas?

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