Thank you so much, Even! OpenOptions sounds like a perfect match for
this case. I'll try it with HDF drivers and see how it goes with

Best Regards,

On Thu, Aug 4, 2016 at 5:32 PM, Even Rouault <> wrote:
> On Thursday 04 August 2016 16:31:25 H. Joe Lee wrote:
>> Hi,
>>   My name is Joe Lee and I'm very interested in improving GDAL's
>> capability to access NASA HDF4/HDF5 data so that users can work with
>> HDF easily through GDAL. For example, my goal is to allow users to
>> translate any HDF data into GeoTIFF via gdal_translate.
>>   I've worked with diverse NASA HDF products and provided solution for
>> visualizing data correctly through Python/MATLAB/IDL/NCL [1] and I
>> know that many products, other than HDF-EOS, may not work well with
>> GDAL because HDF is flexible and NASA data producers do not
>> necessarily follow the conventions that GDAL uses.
>>   By default, GDAL HDF4/HDF5 driver uses the following convention for
>> unknown products.
>>     For HDF4 (frmts/hdf4/hdf4imagedataset.cpp):
>>     // Search for the starting "X" and "Y" in the names or take
>>     // the last two dimensions as X and Y sizes
>>     iXDim = nDimCount - 1;
>>     iYDim = nDimCount - 2;
>>   For HDF5 (frmts/hdf5/hdf5imagedataset.cpp):
>>     int     GetYIndex() const { return IsComplexCSKL1A() ? 0 : ndims - 2; }
>>     int     GetXIndex() const { return IsComplexCSKL1A() ? 1 : ndims - 1; }
>>  The above code works well as long as Unknown HDF product follows the
>> above convention. However, in reality, HDF data can have an arbitrary
>> order in terms of Band, X and Y dimension like this:
>>   dset4D[XDim=360][YDim=180][Band1=2][Band2=3]
>>   dimindex:    0                      1            2             3
>>   Since ndims=4, ndims-2 becomes 2 and ndims-1=3. In such case, GDAL
>> generates 360x180 bands of 2x3 images, instead of the desired 2x3
>> bands of 360x180 images.
>>   Thus, I'm wondering if GDAL can expand VRT schema so that VRT allows
>> users to specify the correct dimension index because specifying
>> dimension order for each different NASA product in [1]  is
>> impractical. For example, I'd like suggest a new tag like
>> "SourceDimension" like below:
>>   <VRTRasterBand dataType="UInt16" band="1">
>>   <SimpleSource>
>>     <SourceFilename
>> relativeToVRT="0">HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"DATA_WITH_4D_DATASET.hdf":7</SourceFilen
>> ame> <SourceDimension RasterXDim="0" RasterYDim="1" />
>>     <SourceBand>1</SourceBand>
>>     <SourceProperties RasterXSize="360" RasterYSize="180"
>> DataType="UInt16" BlockXSize="360" BlockYSize="180" />
>>    ...
>>   </SimpleSource>
>> </VRTRasterBand>
>>   Once user specifies correct dimensions by editing VRT, it can be
>> used by GDAL HDF4/HDF5 drivers and the HDF drivers read the data
>> correctly for GDAL's image buffer.
>>   Do you think it's right and feasible approach to solve wrong X/Y
>> dimension order problem? Or do you have any other existing solution
>> that can mitigate this problem in GDAL? The GEE project team has
>> experimented the idea by creating another separate XML file [2] but I
>> think it's time to sync with GDAL development team and come up with
>> the most elegant solution. In my opinion, VRT looks best and I wish
>> GDAL development team can give me some feedback on this idea.
> Joe,
> I would rather suggest to add open options to the drivers and pass them with
> the exiting VRT OpenOptions element, rather than adding a new element in the
> VRT that would be specific of a few drivers
>  <SimpleSource>
>     <SourceFilename>
> relativeToVRT="0">HDF4_SDS:UNKNOWN:"DATA_WITH_4D_DATASET.hdf":7</SourceFilename>
>    <OpenOptions>
>       <OOI key="RASTERXDIM">0</OOI>
>       <OOI key="RASTERYDIM">1</OOI>
>    </OpenOptions>
>     <SourceBand>1</SourceBand>
>     <SourceProperties RasterXSize="360" RasterYSize="180" DataType="UInt16"
> BlockXSize="360" BlockYSize="180" />
>    ...
>   </SimpleSource>
> Which is equivalent to:
> Even
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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