
I have been thinking that it could be nice to be able to open GeoPackage with 
attached database https://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html. Attaching database 
that contains spatial tables would probably give too much troubles because 
reading the spatial metadata of the attached db through the master db so that 
GeoPackage clients understands what happens feels difficult.  However, 
attaching tables with pure attribute data (aspatial tables) might make some 
sense by allowing to keep the heavy but stable geometries in one db and more 
frequently updated attributes in another. Wondering if there could be some open 
option like -oo attach_database=path_to_another_sqlite_db. I do not have any 
clear use case in my mind yet, just thinking.

-Jukka Rahkonen-
gdal-dev mailing list

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