Thanks Even for your reply, it helped me great.

For future reference here's the working C# code:

var options =
    new GDALTranslateOptions(new[]
        "-of", "GTiff",
        "-a_nodata", "65535",
        "-a_srs", "+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=60 +a=6378.14
+b=6356.75 +x_0=0 y_0=0",
        "-a_ullr", "0.0", "-3650.000", "800.000", "-4415.000"
var newDs = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(outputFile, ds, options, null, null);



*Paul Meems *
Release manager, configuration manager
and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.

Owner of - Support for
Dutch speaking users.

*The MapWindow GIS project has moved to GitHub

Download the latest MapWinGIS mapping engine.

Download the latest MapWindow 5 open source desktop application.

2017-01-17 9:05 GMT+01:00 Even Rouault <>:

> On mardi 17 janvier 2017 08:59:30 CET Paul Meems wrote:
> > Hi list,
> >
> > I'm using GDAL v2.1.2 from on Win10 with the
> C#-bindings.
> >
> > I'm trying to recreate this gdal_translate command in C#:
> > gdal_translate -of GTiff -a_nodata 65535 -a_srs "+proj=stere +lat_0=90
> > +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=60 +a=6378.14 +b=6356.75 +x_0=0 y_0=0" -a_ullr 0.0,
> > -3650.000, 800.000, -4415.000 "HDF5:\"in.h5\"://image1/image_data"
> "out.tif"
> >
> > This is my C#-code:
> > var options =
> > new GDALTranslateOptions(new[]
> > {
> > "-of", "GTiff",
> > "-a_nodata", "65535",
> > // "-a_srs", "\"+proj=stere +lat_0=90 +lon_0=0 +lat_ts=60
> > +a=6378.14 +b=6356.75 +x_0=0 y_0=0\"",
> Remvoe the \" in the proj.4 string. This is just needed for invokation
> from a shell, not when passing arguments as a string
> > //"-a_ullr", "0.0, -3650.000, 800.000, -4415.000"
> Split the four values as 4 separate strings.
> > });
> > var newDs = Gdal.wrapper_GDALTranslate(outputFile, ds, options, null,
> null);
> >
> > The above code works, because I commented the last two
> GDALTranslateOptions.
> >
> > When I enable the -a_srs option I get this error: Failed to process SRS
> > definition
> > When I enable the -a_ullr option I get Unknown option name '-a_ullr'
> >
> > So it seems I'm not doing it right. I tried looking for examples but
> > couldn't find any.
> > Can anybody assist?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Paul
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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