Thanks Even,

I now have
using (var ds = Gdal.OpenEx(input, 1, null, null, null))
I couldn't find GDAL_OF_VECTOR in the C# bindings. I'm assuming it must be
1 since GDAL_OF_RASTER is 0.

It is now working.


*Paul Meems *
Release manager, configuration manager
and forum moderator of MapWindow GIS.

Owner of - Support for
Dutch speaking users.

*The MapWindow GIS project has moved to GitHub

Download the latest MapWinGIS mapping engine.

Download the latest MapWindow 5 open source desktop application.

2017-03-14 15:23 GMT+01:00 Even Rouault <>:

> On mardi 14 mars 2017 15:12:20 CET Paul Meems wrote:
> > I'm trying to use this gdal_rasterize command in my C# application:
> > gdal_rasterize -a DN -a_srs "EPSG:28992" -tr 5 5 -a_nodata 0 -l test
> > test.shp test.shp
> >
> > My goal is to convert a shapefile to a tiff-file. The above command does
> > what I want.
> > I need to call it from within my C# application.
> > I'm already successfully using wrapper_GDALTranslate
> > and wrapper_GDALWarpDestName but I'm struggling
> > with wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName.
> >
> > I have this code:
> > using (var ds = Ogr.Open(shapefile, 0)) // 0 means read-only. 1
> > means writeable.
> > {
> > if (ds == null)
> > {
> > throw new Exception("Can't open OGR dataset: " +
> > shapefile);
> > }
> > var gdalOptions = new GDALRasterizeOptions(options);
> > using (var newDs =
> > Gdal.wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName(output, ds, gdalOptions, null, null))
> > {
> > if (newDs == null)
> > {
> > throw new Exception("GdalRasterize failed: " +
> > Gdal.GetLastErrorMsg());
> > }
> > }
> > return true;
> > }
> >
> > The problem is with ds, the second parameter of
> > wrapper_GDALRasterizeDestName. Because it is a shapefile I open it with
> > Ogr, but a Gdal dataset is expected.
> > When I open my shapefile with Gdal.Open() I get an error saying my
> > shapefile is not recognized as a supported file format.
> Use Gdal.OpenEx(). This will allow vector drivers to be used and return a
> GDAL dataset.
> >
> > What do I need to do to get this working in my C# application?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > Paul
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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