
Even wrote:
However I'm not sure in which way GDAL is involved in this discussion :-)

I am preparing for the future when GDAL will have a support for WCS 2.0.1 and 
it will try to read EPSG:4326 coverage data from GeoServers witch describe 
coverage like this: 

I have a feeling that without a) making GDAL to interpret gridFunction or b) 
Geoserver changing the way to define rectified grid (if it is possible) GDAL 
will fail. If not before then at latest when it tries to read a subset of 
coverage or to put the server to do server side scaling to size.

Andrea wrote:

If there is no 1:1 correspondence between geographic and raster space axis, 
then I see no other way but to use Function to explicitly correlate the two.
How would you propose to proceed instead?

Perhaps with offset vectors? An example taken from “OGC GML in JPEG 2000 
(GMLJP2) Encoding StandardPart 1: Core”

<gml:RectifiedGrid gml:id="rg0001_C0002" dimension="2"
<gml:low>1 1</gml:low>
<gml:high>3 10</gml:high>
<gml:axisLabels>Lat Long</gml:axisLabels>
<gml:Point gml:id="P0001">
<gml:pos>9.9 9.9</gml:pos>
<gml:offsetVector>0 3.71e-005</gml:offsetVector>
<gml:offsetVector>-3.71e-005 0</gml:offsetVector>

I hope I have understood right when I believe that this advice means “Read data 
from the JPEG 2000 file in sequence. Place the first data value to the origin 
and the second one where the first offsetVector points. It is: keep the 
latitude and increase the longitude by 3.71e-005 . Continue till the “high” 
limit of Long axis (10). Now the first row  is full. Place the 11th value where 
the second offsetVector points – so decrease Lat by -3.71e-005 and keep Long at 
the initial value. Fill the second row. Then one more step down and fill the 
3rd row. You have finished”.

So even the grid axes are “column first – rows next” it is possible to fill the 
grid by streaming from the data source that is organized as “rows first” like 
JPEG 2000 or GeoTIFF. I can imagine I could demonstrate that if I had a chess 
board and 64 beans, even if someone rotates the board by 90 degrees.

I must admit that I am not at all sure that I have understood it right. 
Actually it is not even important for me. I just would like to see WCS to work 
fluently so that all the servers and clients would understand each other. 
Somehow I have hoped the OGC would support this goal by giving understandable 
examples and best practice documents.

By the way, Mr Baumann told that  
 is an open list but it does not seem to be open for everybody:

"This is an OGC member's only list. More information can be found at:

http://www.opengeospatial.org/ogc/join . If your organization is a member, 
please have your organization's representative create you an OGC portal 
account. Once you have an account, you may then request access to the desired 
lists. If you have questions, you may send you and your company's contact 
information along with an explanation to ListMaster @OpenGeospatial.org . Thank 
you. OGC ListMaster"

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Andrea Aime [mailto:andrea.a...@geo-solutions.it]
Lähetetty: 10. huhtikuuta 2017 16:57
Vastaanottaja: Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>
Kopio: Geoserver-devel <geoserver-de...@lists.sourceforge.net>; 
'gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org' (gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org) 
<gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>; Peter Baumann <p.baum...@jacobs-university.de>
Aihe: Re: [Geoserver-devel] [gdal-dev] GML lat-lon coverages and 

Hi Even,
in CIS 1.1 they state:

Coverages are assumed to have a 1:1 correlation between the axis names given in 
axis-Labels and gridLabels, i.e.: they shall relate pairwise, given by their 
sequence position. For example, axisLabels=“Lat Long h date” and gridLabels={i 
j k l} implies a correspondence of Lat with i, Long with j, h with k, and date 
with l.

If there is no 1:1 correspondence between geographic and raster space axis, 
then I see no other way but to use Function to explicitly correlate the two.
How would you propose to proceed instead?


On Mon, Apr 10, 2017 at 3:31 PM, Even Rouault 
<even.roua...@spatialys.com<mailto:even.roua...@spatialys.com>> wrote:

On lundi 10 avril 2017 15:06:55 CEST Andrea Aime wrote:

> Hi,

> sorry I lost track of the subject. So, to close up, and approach where the

> envelope is reported as "lat lon" and the "i j" raster space

> axis would map pairwise, so i pointing north-wards and j east-wards, would

> be considered valid?

> E.g., if one rescaling says "i is going to be 200 pixels" it really means

> the output image will be 200 pixels tall?

IMHO, importing EPSG axis order mess in raster space would seem to be foolish 
to me and cause major annoyances. Performance-wise, processing flipped rasters 
with classic algorithms that process line per line would be terrible as soon as 
they are large enough, since reading each line would in practice require to 
read the whole raster each time.



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