
My take:

GDAL is a not a place to look for good modern C++ code.  And there is a of
old style C++ baked into the APIs, so drivers are particularly tough.

You can look for use of unique_ptr for some code that is heading in that

The other general problem with C++ code in GDAL is that it wasn't designed
with C++ testing in mind.  I've broken headers out of some of the drivers
so I can skip past the GDALOpen/Identify interfaces and test inside the
member functions.

You can look through but most of that
code is pretty different as it is mostly tests.

GEOS is starting to modernize so you can look some there, but also isn't
particularly strong C++11 (yet)

A good place to start is with project style guides.  There are many around
with different takes.  The one I work to is:

On Sat, Jan 6, 2018 at 3:58 AM, Andrew C Aitchison <>

> On Fri, 5 Jan 2018, Kurt Schwehr wrote:
> * Passing char *psz yada all over the place in pure C++ code.  A const
>> std::string is usually not a noticeable expense and is a lot safer
>> * CPLString when std::string will do just fine.  And we can write free
>> functions to operate on strings.  I'm generally bothered by subclassing of
>> std::string as CPLString.  After reading large amounts of C++ code, I
>> think
>> it adds more confusion than it ever helps over having clean free
>> functions.  Interop and analysis with CPLString's is no fun.
>> not-derive-from-c-std-string-class
> Can you point me to some good examples of good pure C++ code in GDAL
> - ideally driver code ? The driver tutorial
> is full of pszFilename and other psz variables.
> When I taught myself C++ in 1992 std::string did not exist,
> and my gdal work is my only C++ practice since 1993.
> In my exploration of gdal code I have seen very little use of std::string
> and plenty of CPLString; it would be a great help to have good examples to
> copy.
> --
> Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Cambridge, UK

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