
I wonder why command bellow

$ ogr2ogr -f MSSQLSpatial <connstr> <file> <layer> -overwrite --config

works in GDAL 2.2.3, but fails in GDAL 2.3.:

ERROR 1: No column definitions found for table 'dbo.geometry_columns',
layer not usable.
ERROR 1: No column definitions found for table 'dbo.spatial_ref_sys',
layer not usable.
ERROR 1: No column definitions found for table 'dbo.tel', layer not usable.
ERROR 1: No column definitions found for table 'dbo.vla', layer not usable.
ERROR 1: Error creating layer: [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client
11.0][SQL Server]There is already an object named 'vla' in the
database. When using the overwrite option and the layer doesn't
contain geometry column, you might require to use the
MSSQLSPATIAL_LIST_ALL_TABLES config option to get the previous layer
deleted before creating the new one.
ERROR 1: Terminating translation prematurely after failed
translation of layer VLA (use -skipfailures to skip errors)

Note: skipfailures doesn't not help.

Thanks for any pointers, Martin

Martin Landa
gdal-dev mailing list

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