I don't think the trac tickets should be closed automatically. The ticket
owners should decide either to close (with a meaningful comment) or copy
it's variant to github if necessary.
I'm fine with option #2 and #4 and preserving/updating the history would be
a plus, but not a necessary requirement.

Best regards,


2018-03-19 14:25 GMT+01:00 Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>:

> Hi,
> Adding gdal-dev into the loop to get more feedback.
> I actually discussed about that with Howard yesterday, and he suggested an
> even easier and least-effort solution. Do we actually need to migrate the
> existing Trac ticket database to github ?
> If not, we could just freeze Trac as read-only and decide that we just open
> the github repo for tickets...
> What would be nice to do is to rewrite a bit the git history of the current
> mirror so that commit messages like "Fix blabla (fixes #1234)" as
> rewritten as
> "Fix blabla (fixes https://trac.osgeo.org/gdal/ticket/1234)"
> A more complicated version of the above is that we would migrate only the
> open
> Trac tickets to github (so < 600 instead of 6000). And we would add in each
> open Trac ticket a message like "This ticket has been migated to https://
> github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issue/4567", and close it. But that requires still
> some
> migration effort and deal with github API.
> A simpler variant of the above would be just close all those open tickets,
> assigning them to some milestone "closed-before-github-migration" with a
> message "Issue reporting has now been migrated to
> https://github.com/OSGeo/
> gdal/issues. If that issue is still valid, please file a ticket over
> there".
> That can be done simply in a few seconds from Trac UI with a "batch
> modifiy"
> action.
> So to sum up my thoughts would be to:
> 1) Rewrite the github history (still need to figure out how to automate
> that)
> to fix references to Trac ticket, and force-push the result to github.com/
> OSGeo/gdal. Note: that would invalidate current forks, so people with
> active
> work would probably have to rebase or to export as a patch and re-apply on
> top
> of updated Git repository.
> 2) Open github for filing tickets
> 3) Close all Trac tickets with assignment to a "closed-before-github-
> migration" milestone, and a message "Issue reporting has now been migrated
> to
> https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues...";
> 4) Remove TICKET_CREATE rights to authenticated users of Trac
> Does that sound good ?
> Even
> On lundi 19 mars 2018 11:48:15 CET Mateusz Loskot wrote:
> > Hi Even,
> [...]
> > I've just pushed some basic stab at exporting Trac to GitHub
> > which I started prototyping in the beginning of October last year
> > https://github.com/mloskot/trac-to-github
> >
> > In October, Paul Ramsey released his bunch of scripts
> > https://github.com/pramsey/postgis-to-github/
> > which, I think, cover the procedure more completely
> > and it's also based on GitHub API.
> > Shortly, instead of continue my development, Paul's solution may be
> > the way to go.
> > I haven't tried to run Paul's scripts, so I don't know what technically
> > is stopping the PostGIS migration, if anything.
> >
> > Generally, I think GitHub API approach is the way to go.
> > Annoyingly, the rate limits seem to lead to strange issues that I
> > experienced (eg. adding or adding 30 labels, some are left over).
> > This confirms what Thomas Bonfort was warning about and suggesting
> > to reach out to GitHub support stating you are running a batch import.
> >
> > I don't if Paul reached to GitHub support before performing PostGIS test
> > import https://github.com/pramsey/postgis-gh/issues
> > but it looks that a few thousands of tickets made it through.
> >
> > I've taken the liberty to CC to Paul perhaps he could shed more light.
> [...]
> >
> > Best regards,
> --
> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> http://www.spatialys.com
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