Dear all,

I try to create a GeoPDF file with 2 layers:
1) Raster layer: a Geotiff image (*lena_rot.tif*) with a
ModelTransformationTag model, with respect to EPSG:4326.
The image has a rotation angle (~40° wrt to North).
2) Vector layer: the KML file (*rectangle.kml*) contains a single
rectangular shape. Each segment is parallel to either longitude or latitude
direction (i.e. no rotation angle)

The command line to create the PDF file is the following:

In the resulting PDF file, *lena_rot.tif.pdf*, I can check the location
model with Acrobat Reader:
1) the raster layer is correctly located. However, it is no resampled
(warped or whatever).
Only the cursor location is displayed correctly. This sounds good to me so
far: I do not expect the PDF export to do any warping.
2) the vector layer is not rotated. Thus, the vertex location in EPSG:4326
are wrong. 

Then I convert my PDF file back to GeoTIFF (*lena_rot.tif.pdf.tif*):

I observe the same problem. Which tells that the error is not due to Acrobat

Obviously, both vector and raster layers are not in the same referential.
Could you tell me what I am missing in the PDF export ?
I tried to embed the KML file into a VRT file with a *<Geotransform>* tag
with no success.

Attached is a ZIP file containing :
* lena_rot.tif : original rotated GeoTIFF image
* rectangle.kml : KML file containing a rectangle
* lena_rot.tif.pdf : resulting PDF file
* lena_rot.tif.pdf.tif : PDF file converted back to GeoTIFF

Thanks for your help

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