srygonic wrote
> The issue is that the image turns out to be completely black for me... not
> too sure what I'm doing wrong here. 
> I understand that it might be better to cut up the files but that would
> take
> too long (as there are too many files) and I'm wondering if there is a
> faster solution here to reduce the size before taking that route. 
> Will look into this gdalbuildrvt as well once I'm back at the computer
> tomorrow... any good tutorials for me to start off with?
> Thanks for the assistance and the help Jukka!


I had another look at the GAPS_2017-02-23.tif file and I would recommend
that do not waste your time for improving it as one image. It is a 3-band
image of sixe 128478 by 133220 pixels and thus as uncompressed it would make
about 50 gigabytes. The current file size 450 GB is not bad especially
because the image includes a good set of overviews. Image also opens and
works fine with QGIS.

I have no ready made recipe for automatic selection and extracting of areas
which contain data. I guess that I would have a try by vectorizing the
raster files with first and build
windows for gdal_translate and -projwin based on the vector data. It could
be interesting as an exercise but probably there should be hundreds of
images before it really saves enough resources for being a good investment.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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