Even Rouault wrote
> On mercredi 19 septembre 2018 05:06:59 CEST Rahkonen Jukka (MML) wrote:

>> A workaround is to warp  into TIFF and run gdal_translate afterwards
>> gdal_translate -of gpkg -co tiling_scheme=PseudoTMS_GlobalMercator 3857.tif
>> 3857.gpkg

> That's definitely the recomended way. The CreateCopy() method then internally 
> kind of sets-up gdalwarp with an appropriate resolution value.

I believe that you meant "sets-up gdal_translate with an appropriate resolution 
value" because
the previous gdalwarp command is totally unaware about what will happen next:

gdalwarp -of gtiff -t_srs epsg:3857 sfdem.tif 3857.tif

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