Frank, Even, all  GDAL devs,

a big "thank you" from the GRASS GIS community!

Frank, your initial contribution was on Sep 26, 2000: got released the first time with GRASS GIS 5.0:

... 18 years ago!

Thanks again for all your efforts to develop GDAL!


On Thu, Oct 18, 2018 at 4:54 PM Frank Warmerdam <> wrote:
> Even,
> Wow, 20 years!  Thanks for pointing out this milestone.
> It is a huge pleasure to know that:
>  - it has been a core technology supporting so many other software packages 
> and projects
>  - it has been a project that lots of people have felt comfortable 
> contributing to
> GDAL is the core of our data processing pipeline at Planet where we have a 
> number of esoteric internal GDAL drivers, so I continue to use it every day.
> Special thanks to Even who's outsize contribution has kept the project 
> healthy and progressing as I focused on other activities.
> Best regards,
> Frank
> On Wed, Oct 17, 2018 at 6:51 PM Even Rouault <> 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I nearly missed it [1] (actually I'm already on the 18th here, but let's 
>> consider
>> Canadian time so still on the 17th), but exactly 20 years go on Oct 17th 
>> 1998,
>> Frank Warmerdam committed for the first time in the CSV repository.
>> '''
>> commit 149db916aafcbee9bb64572fafda83441c94a552
>> Author: Frank Warmerdam <>
>> Date:   Sat Oct 17 19:24:36 1998 +0000
>>     Initial implementation.
>>     git-svn-id: 
>> f0d54148-0727-0410-94bb-9a71ac55c965
>> '''
>> 169 lines for a first version of the virtual I/O layer...
>> Since then,
>> * 39075 commits have been added on top of it,
>> * 159 raster drivers
>> * 96 vector drivers [2]
>> * by 161 committers (actually there are more contributors, here just counting
>>   the ones who have directly authored a CVS, SVN or git commit),
>> * adding 7110 files in the repository, for a grand total of
>> * 2.192 millions lines in 3745 files with extensions c, cpp, h, hh, hpp, py,
>>   html, java, cs, i, pl, vc, sh, bat, dox, ac, GNUmakefile (80 MB) (all the 
>> text files)
>>   so an average of 300 lines per day added
>> * 64 releases
>> * 6287 tickets closed
>> * 49097 messages posted on gdal-dev
>> * more than 100 software proudly mentionning using it
>> Happy birthday and long life to GDAL and its commmnity of contributors, 
>> either
>> by code, documentation, testing, packaging, reports, ... !
>> Even
>> [1] thanks to Robert Coup for reminding me a few days ago about the 
>> approaching date !
>> [2] you'll note that 155 + 96 = 255, but I don't think there's a
>>     Byte limitation for the number of drivers ...
>> --
>> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
> --
> ---------------------------------------+--------------------------------------
> I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam,
> light and sound - activate the windows |
> and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Software Developer
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