
I noticed this question 
and tried to study that odd shapefile by repeating the test with GDAL 2.4.0 
from OSGeo4W and there happens something with ST_AsGeoJSON that I do not 

This command indeed returns an empty result
ogrinfo -dialect sqlite -sql "select AsGeoJSON(geom)  from 
\"geo_export_98941210-c995-4502-8ebb-93a09f29d615\" limit 1"  fix.gpkg
INFO: Open of `fix.gpkg'
      using driver `GPKG' successful.

Layer name: SELECT
Geometry: None
Feature Count: 1
Layer SRS WKT:
AsGeoJSON(geom): String (0.0)
  AsGeoJSON(geom) (String) = (null)

Other Spatialite functions (AsGML, AsKML, AsBinary, AsSVG) do return the 
geometry, it is only AsGeoJSON that gives an empty result.

However, with a trick I could get also GeoJSON out:
ogrinfo -dialect sqlite -sql "select 
AsGeoJSON(st_geomfromtext(st_astext(geom)))  from 
\"geo_export_98941210-c995-4502-8ebb-93a09f29d615\" limit 1"  fix.gpkg
INFO: Open of `fix.gpkg'
      using driver `GPKG' successful.

Layer name: SELECT
Geometry: None
Feature Count: 1
Layer SRS WKT:
AsGeoJSON(st_geomfromtext(st_astext(geom))): String (0.0)
  AsGeoJSON(st_geomfromtext(st_astext(geom))) (String) = 

I could only repeat the result by reading the data directly from geopackage, 
not by saving the feature taken from gpkg into shapefile or OpenJUMP JML 
format. I produced a minimal geopackage 
http://latuviitta.org/downloads/one_chicago.gpkg with only one feature for 
testing. The command to try is

ogrinfo -dialect sqlite -sql "select AsGeoJSON(geom)  from 
\"geo_export_98941210-c995-4502-8ebb-93a09f29d615\""  one_chicago.gpkg

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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