Hi Mncedi,

Welcome to GDAL !

Here is how I recommend working through that (using a working example) :

Step 1:  ogrinfo

Always always start with an ogrinfo command, to see the available layer names:

        ogrinfo WFS:https://demo.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wfs_gateway


                using driver `WFS' successful.
                1: ms:park

Great! We now know the layer name is called "ms:park"

Step 2: ogrinfo + layername

Next, see if ogrinfo can return info about that ms:park layer:

ogrinfo WFS:https://demo.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wfs_gateway ms:park -summary


                using driver `WFS' successful.
                Layer name: ms:park
                                Geometry: Unknown (any)
                                Feature Count: 46
Extent: (-2346804.000000, -67422.421875) - (2840366.000000, 3830124.250000)
                                Layer SRS WKT:
                                PROJCS["NAD83 / Canada Atlas Lambert"

Great! ogrinfo gave us info about our layer

Step 3: ogr2ogr + layername

Notice that the syntax is something like:  ogr2ogr output input layername :

ogr2ogr -f "ESRI Shapefile" parks.shp WFS:https://demo.gatewaygeomatics.com/cgi-bin/wfs_gateway ms:park

Tested using MS4W 4.0 https://ms4w.com


Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

On 2019-05-02 10:11 AM, Mncedi Dlayiya wrote:
Hello everyone,

I am new in GDAL so I'm struggling to convert a wfs to shapefile using ogr2ogr.

my command is as follows:

C:\>ogr2ogr -f "ESRI SHAPEFILE" ec_pensioners WFS:" http://localhost:8080/geoserver/osw?"; pensioners

  * ec_pensioners is the name of the wfs layer
  * pensioners is the output layer
* " http://localhost:8080/geoserver/osw?"; is where the layer is hosted

The error message I get:

Unable to open datasource `WFS: http://localhost:8080/geoserver/osw?' with the following drivers.
   -> `JP2ECW'
   -> `OCI'
   -> `SOSI'
   -> `PCIDSK'
   -> `netCDF'
   -> `JP2OpenJPEG'
   -> `PDF'
   -> `MBTiles'
   -> `EEDA'
   -> `DB2ODBC'
   -> `ESRI Shapefile'
   -> `MapInfo File'
   -> `UK .NTF'
   -> `OGR_SDTS'
   -> `S57'
   -> `DGN'
   -> `OGR_VRT'
   -> `REC'
   -> `Memory'
   -> `BNA'
   -> `CSV'
   -> `NAS'
   -> `GML'
   -> `GPX'
   -> `LIBKML'
   -> `KML'
   -> `GeoJSON'
   -> `GeoJSONSeq'
   -> `ESRIJSON'
   -> `TopoJSON'
   -> `Interlis 1'
   -> `Interlis 2'
   -> `OGR_GMT'
   -> `GPKG'
   -> `SQLite'
   -> `ODBC'
   -> `WAsP'
   -> `PGeo'
   -> `MSSQLSpatial'
   -> `OGR_OGDI'
   -> `PostgreSQL'
   -> `MySQL'
   -> `OpenFileGDB'
   -> `XPlane'
   -> `DXF'
   -> `CAD'
   -> `Geoconcept'
   -> `GeoRSS'
   -> `GPSTrackMaker'
   -> `VFK'
   -> `PGDUMP'
   -> `OSM'
   -> `GPSBabel'
   -> `SUA'
   -> `OpenAir'
   -> `OGR_PDS'
   -> `WFS'
   -> `WFS3'
   -> `HTF'
   -> `AeronavFAA'
   -> `Geomedia'
   -> `EDIGEO'
   -> `GFT'
   -> `SVG'
   -> `CouchDB'
   -> `Cloudant'
   -> `Idrisi'
   -> `ARCGEN'
   -> `SEGUKOOA'
   -> `SEGY'
   -> `XLS'
   -> `ODS'
   -> `XLSX'
   -> `ElasticSearch'
   -> `Walk'
   -> `Carto'
   -> `AmigoCloud'
   -> `SXF'
   -> `Selafin'
   -> `JML'
   -> `PLSCENES'
   -> `CSW'
   -> `VDV'
   -> `GMLAS'
   -> `MVT'
   -> `TIGER'
   -> `AVCBin'
   -> `AVCE00'
   -> `NGW'
   -> `HTTP'

Thank you in advance


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