
I'm wondering how to build custom packages to use in my Conda installation?

In particular, I would like a GWD driver for ogr2ogr.

I would like the AutoCAD DWG driver<https://gdal.org/drivers/vector/dwg.html>, 
but it looks as if it is not built in my installation.

It looks as if I will need to edit the make file and run a custom build to get 
the driver. I searched the docs and Github for building instructions, but don't 
see any.

The instructions for "hand editing" the GNUmakefile don't say what to change, 
and I'm not exactly sure where "paths" is and what to do with it. The fact I'm 
supposed to build the driver as a plugin gives me hope though that I can find 
the built plugin somewhere and just insert it into some plugins folder in my 
Conda build.

What would be the best steps from here?

Thank you,

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