
I'm mosaicking a large number of small tiles using the GDAL python bindings
(python 3.7, gdal 3.0.1, but also tested on 2.4.2). Code is something like


*output_fname = "/something/or/other.vrt"*
*fnames = ["file1.tif", ..., "fileN.tif"]*

*dst_ds = gdal.BuildVRT(            output_fname,            fnames,
    options=gdal.BuildVRTOptions(separate=True),        )*
*dst_ds = None*

This fails with lots of errors like
ERROR 4: fileXXX.tif: No such file or directory
Warning 1: Can't open fileXXX.tif. Skipping it

The files are available on disk, and gdalinfo identifies them with no

Piping the files on a text file and using gdalbuildvrt results in the same
issue. The overall effect is that no information goes into the mosaic.

This approach works well when I tested with a handful of files (e.g. 4),
but I am now mosaicking a large number of files (>1000), and I was
wondering whether this could be an issue due to limits on opened files and
so on? This is on Linux.

The aim of this is to create a VRT mosaic that can then be converted to

Any pointers?
many thanks
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