
One more suggestion, have you tried the -fl option "Name one or more “fixed
levels” to extract"? Requires  some writing but only once if you save the
list into an optfile https://gdal.org/programs/raster_common_options.html. I
haven't tried the option with hundreds of fixed levels, though.



Thanks! After trying shapefile and exceeding 2GB, I switched to postgres 
and deleted the elevation as you suggested.

I'm working with a global relief model the includes both elevation and 
bathymetry depth over the whole world at about 15 arc-sec/pixel. I 
generates a lot of contour lines between 8,000 and -10,000 meters, I was 
think it would be handy to gdal_dem had a few more options to control 
the range and direction of contour generation.

I also have played with gdal_calc to create an elevation and bathymetry 
only files.

Thanks, I think I have workarounds for the moment.

-Steve W

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