On mercredi 18 mars 2020 18:27:25 CET Sean Gillies wrote:
> Hi all,
> I hope you and yours are well in these times.
> I'm wondering how close we are to having support for vsis3 URLs in a TMS
> ServerUrl and if it would be worth doing the work to add it.
> The issue is that HTTPS requests for non-public S3 objects have to be (as I
> understand it) signed per object. Thus there is no single set of
> authentication headers we can use for all objects covered by a ServerUrl
> template like this:
>       <ServerUrl>
> https://my-private-bucket.s3.amazonaws.com/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png
> ?</ServerUrl>
> GDAL's vsis3 handler takes care of the signing for single URLs and,
> syntactically at least, it looks like it would be possible to support the
> following
> <ServerUrl>/vsis3/my-private-bucket/tiles/${z}/${x}/${y}.png?</ServerUrl>
> with the vsis3 handler doing the signing for each individual HTTPS request
> that is made.
> Does this look useful to anyone else? Have any of you found a workaround
> that is nearly as good?


The WMS driver proably pre-dates /vsicurl/ and its children file systems, so 
it uses libcurl directly (and, anyway, it uses the curl "multi" API so as to 
be able to spawn simultaneous tile downloads, which cannot be done with /
vsicurl/ is the like). But a not-so-hard solution would be to do a little 
patching in the WMS driver to use the VSIGetSignedURL() function to transform 
a /vsis3/ filename into a signed URL that can be then fed to the existing 
download logic of the WMS driver. 


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