
New proj now adds support for geotiffs for datums, much smaller and can be 
accessed over net, subset, etc. There is a CDN for the data, as 
well as a utility for fetching data, 
You can use the online CDN to just fetch what a user needs at runtime and never 
download, or you can download ahead of time, whatever subsets you need.


Michael Smith
US Army Corps of Engineers
Remote Sensing/GIS Center

On 8/19/20, 5:05 PM, "gdal-dev on behalf of John Daniel" 
< on behalf of> wrote:

    The old proj-datumgrid is divided into a small, 13 MB required dataset and 
a number of much larger optional regional datasets. The new proj-data doesn't 
seem to have this distinction. It is smaller overall, but still 500 MB. 

    I am interested in using GDAL in mobile apps so I don't want to include 
that much data. Is there a smaller set of proj-data files that can be used 
instead? Which of those files are required and which can be omitted? For 
example, it is possible to split the data by region, but with the software work 
with only a partial set of files? Can the data files be downloaded at runtime, 
on demand? If so, I'm sure I will need to include a few of them by default.

    It looks like PROJ 7 can still be used with the old data. Is PROJ 7 safe 
for use with other projects? I have seen some messages that suggested that this 
was a problem for some projects. I think Spatialite was one. I won't be 
distributing with GPL projects like GEOS or Spatialite, but I would still like 
to use them for local testing.


    John Daniel
    Etresoft, Inc.

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