Another option is a fuse level driver that maps cloud storage to a drive path. 






Michael Smith

US Army Corps of Engineers

Remote Sensing/GIS Center



From: gdal-dev <> on behalf of Travis Kirstine 
Date: Friday, September 4, 2020 at 8:35 AM
To: gdal dev <>
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Serve COG images - GEE & Google Cloud Storage



There is a good article here on how to do this using MapServer and S3, this may 
work for Google as well


You can configure MapServer as a WMS server and add the layers to Open Layers 
or take the extra step and configure MapCache to generate a tiled output and 
caching using your WMS as source 




On Fri, 4 Sep 2020 at 03:01, Even Rouault <> wrote:



Not sure this completely answer your question, but GDAL has gained a

Google Cloud Storage virtual file system handler similar

to the AWS S3 one since the post you mention.





> Hi

> In this article, I came across about servicing rasters on AWS S3:


> ,


> I am trying to see if something similar exists for Google? I'm exporting

> COG from Google Earth Engine (GEE) to a Google Cloud Storage bucket in the

> hopes to access and serve it with other layers using GeoServer or create

> tile map services. I've many dates and many products (true color, false

> color, ndvi) for many sites. So I'm not sure what's the best way to serve

> them. I tried researching online, asking in StackExchange, GeoServer and

> GEE forums and reaching out to a few people, but I couldn't get specific

> info... Most info is on AWS and S3...


> My requirement is to somehow get the images of "GEE to bucket" exported

> images into Openlayers (web mapping) and JavaScript (frontend). GEE can

> export to my Drive or a GCP bucket. So serving from GEE to GCP to S3 means

> some download, unzip, zip and upload - so more time consuming and manual

> steps. In my experience, AWS was costly (as my EC2 runs all the time) than

> a VPS server...


> I'll appreciate your help. Thank you!




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