Thanks Thomas,
Yes, compiling it with libtiff=internal and libgeotiff=internal did the
trick - thanks for the hint!
Do you recommending using webp instead of jpeg inside GTIFF or COG? It
seems like the WEBP compression produces smaller file sizes than JPEG,
but how does it look speed-wise regarding decompression? Thanks, Andreas
On 2020-10-09 15:33, thomas bonfort wrote:

You might need to compile with gdal's internal libtiff so that webp-in-tif support is enabled (i.e. the system libtiff might not have webp support). Also note you should probably be adding "-co TILED=YES" to your translate command. On Fri, Oct 9, 2020 at 3:07 PM Andreas Neumann <> wrote:
Hi, I am using a self-compiled GDAL 3.1.2 version and try to create a GTIFF file with COMPRESS=WEBP libwebp-devel and other webp automatic dependencies are installed on this ubuntu 18.04 machine. I could also compile against libwebp However, when running gdal_translate like
gdal_translate -b 1 -b 2 -b 3 -b mask -of GTIFF -co COMPRESS=WEBP -co 
NUM_THREADS=4 -a_srs EPSG:2056 -projwin 2599700 1226200 2602200 1224650 
ch.swisstopo.orthofoto_2018.rgb.vrt test_webp_ycbcr.tif

I get the following error output: Input file size is 530000, 480000 Warning 6: 'WEBP' is an unexpected value for COMPRESS creation option of type string-select. ERROR 1: Cannot create TIFF file due to missing codec for WEBP.

Any idea what might be missing in my installation - where do I get this missing codec for WEBP? Thanks, Andreas
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