On Fri, 19 Mar 2021, mat data wrote:

I am required to edit a portion of gdal_translate utility to fit my own
needs. For that reason I would need to edit the code in gdal_translate
related cpp files. And redo the whole "make" command many times. Is there a
way so I can specifically test only gdal_translate functionality. So I
don't have to compile the GDAL project many times to test my custom code.

If you do not run
        make clean
each time, then subsequent "make"runs should be fairly quick.
This is one of the main features of make.

You may also find that running make in the apps directory or the
directory with the changed .cpp files is sufficient
and that you do not need to run make in the top directory.

You may find that you do still need to run
     make install
unless you run the newlybuilt copy of gdal_translate in the
build directory ( "apps" if I remember correctly).

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
gdal-dev mailing list

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