
The reason is that by the GetCapabilities and DescribeCoverage requests GDAL
is unable to create GetCoverage request that works. There may be a bug in
GDAL, or missing special handling that the combination of WCS 1.0.x or 1.1.x
+ MapServer would require. Different WCS versions are handled by different
code as you can see from the contents of
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/tree/master/gdal/frmts/wcs with version
specific "wcsdataset..." files.

Unfortunately it is not very easy to analyze what goes wrong. I myself have
not touched WCS versions 1.0.x and 1.1.x for some years. MapServer as a WCS
server is also rather uncommon and it is easy to configure it wrong with the
handwritten mapfiles. There seem to be some special rules for MapServer in
the wcs driver code but I know that the author who improved the driver a lot
was testing it more with GeoServer.

I suggest still to contact the service provider and ask if they could try to
correct the configuration of their MapServer for WCS 2.0.1. That is also the
version that can be used for INSPIRE download services.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Elena Ruiz wrote
> Hello and thank you very much for your answer, I understand what you are
> telling me, but this happens with version 2.0.1, if you try with the
> version 1.0.0 and with the layer "Model% 20Digital% 20de% 20Elevaciones%
> 20 (MDE)% 20de% 20Andalucia% 2010% 20m" the server returns a response and
> in fact, if all the parameters are completed, it returns an image. Why
> doesn't gdal work with WCS version 1.0.0 either?
> Example:
> http://www.juntadeandalucia.es/medioambiente/mapwms/REDIAM_WCS_mdt?SERVICE=WCS&VERSION=1.0.0&REQUEST=GetCoverage&COVERAGE=Modelo%20Digital%20de%20Elevaciones%20(MDE)%20de%20Andalucia%2010%20m&CRS=EPSG:25830&FORMAT=GTiff&BBOX=531006.299122,4100120.659408,544263.630224,4112381.66471&WIDTH=1325&HEIGHT=1226&OUTPUTCRS=C:\Users\elena\AppData\Local\Temp\imagen.tif
> Regards

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