
visually the difference between your image and the one generated on my PC are almost indistinguishable (no spatial shift at least). Please submit a PR adding your checksums as alternate accepted ones. You may just remove the "if sys.platform == 'darwin'" case. Hopefully adding your checksums should fix the OSX CI too


Le 28/04/2021 à 14:20, Andrew Bell a écrit :
Here is the output tif file along with the command and its terminal output.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 3:02 PM Even Rouault < <>> wrote:

    Le 27/04/2021 à 20:49, Andrew Bell a écrit :

    On Tue, Apr 27, 2021 at 2:27 PM Even Rouault
    < <>>


        This could be due to the PROJ version, but as I'm running
        with 8.0 too (and one of the CI config runs PROJ master), I
        suspect you just need to install the "conus" grid for NAD27
        to WGS84 transformations into {proj_prefix}/share/proj .

    I have PROJ_NETWORK set to ON. I was under the impression that
    this would cause PROJ to find whatever grids shift files it
    needed at runtime. Is there more configuration that's necessary
    to get this to happen or do I misunderstand the PROJ_NETWORK setting?

    That should be fine. Actually I was wrong. This test case doesn't
    involve any datum shift / grids as it is EPSG:4326 to EPSG:3857

    That might then just be a subtle different rounding issue in
    computations in GDAL and/or PROJ, or more likely, due to using a
    different JPEG library as this test case involves JPEG
    compression. If that was the case, you might add your checksums as
    an alternative expected output. We do that in a number of places.

    Looking a few lines before the failure, I actually see that the CI
    got that issue and we worked around it with:

        if sys.platform == 'darwin' and gdal.GetConfigOption('TRAVIS',
    None) is not None:
            assert got_cs != [0, 0, 0]

    Could you run

    gdal_translate ../autotest/gdrivers/data/small_world.tif out.tif
    -of COG co TILING_SCHEME=GoogleMapsCompatible -co COMPRESS=JPEG

    and attach the resulting file ?

-- Andrew Bell <>

-- <>
    My software is free, but my time generally not.

Andrew Bell <>

My software is free, but my time generally not.

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