Hi Sean,
Hi Even, Howard:

I'm inclined to approve, but I feel like there should be more discussion, not just among PROJ developers and developers of cutting edge formats. We should work to draw a wider group in on this.
Various OGC standard working groups are aware of that topic since this was raised I think in a plenary meeting more than one year ago. I see that in Testbed 17 the working group on the "OGC Features and Geometry JSON" (the "extension" of GeoJSON) is aware of that, but has not proposed any solution. I've just pointed them to my proposal.

Howard, are you suggesting that there should be a configuration option to opt in to this new feature?

A surprise 1-2 meter shift is going to break builds and applications, I agree. I think a lot of us are tolerating inaccuracy due to using time-varying CRS but are going to be caught out by changes in the actual numbers.
The mere introduction of this new capability isn't going to change any behavior. It is only going to change behavior if people do add a coordinate epoch in their datasets, and in that case, one can expect them to want more accurate coordinate transformations. That said adding a config option in the OGRProjCT class to ignore the coordinate epoch is trivial...

Now that I think about it, I think the RFC should say more about what it will do for the ensemble OGC:CRS84.
I'm not sure what kind of transformations will be possible when operating on the WGS 84 ensemble. Within what is available strictly speaking in EPSG, probably none. But we have had repeated discussions on the PROJ mailing list regarding this, and potentially one option could be to consider that a "recent" coordinate epoch on WGS 84 would mean that people actually use the latest WGS 84 realization, WGS 84 (G1762) currently, and so use transformations available from/to that realization. But nothing regarding this has been implemented yet. To get a time-dependent transformation, you need to specify a non-ensemble datum.

To me, it seems that the parameterization or description of coordinate epochs in OGC 19-005r4 is a bit sketchy.
Could you precise ?

Even, are you saying that coordinate shifts in PROJ are entirely functions of the datetime delta since the coordinate epoch?

Currently what is available in PROJ for transformations between a dynamic CRS and a static CRS is mostly through using 15-parameter Helmert transformation: https://proj.org/operations/transformations/helmert.html (*). Those Helmert transformations can have non-time dependent components (the "classic" 7-parameter transformtion, ala TOWGS84) + a time-dependant component that is generally a rotation in spherical coordinates w.r.t Earth centre and of an amplitude proportional to (coordinate_epoch - central_epoch) where central_epoch is a constant of the transformation (e.g the GDA2020 to ITRF2014 transformation uses central_epoch=2020.0). But they are not "entirely functions of the datetime delta", since the value of the longitude, latitude, ellipsoidal height of the coordinate has also an influence on the result (not completely sure to understand your question).

To be complete on the topic, there are a few esoteric cases where https://proj.org/operations/transformations/deformation.html grids are used, and the amplitude of the correction is also proportional to (coordinate_epoch - central_epoch), but this is specific to a NKG (Nordic countries) CRS code

And there's the very particular case of transformations between ITRF96 and NZGD2000 (New Zealand) which uses a more complex deformation model (https://proj.org/operations/transformations/defmodel.html), where the time parameter can decide if corrections related to earthquakes are applied depending on the location and if you're before or after the date of the earthquake.



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