I haven't extensively used -of COG (the cogger code actually predates the
cog driver) but iirc there are at least some cases where it uses an
intermediate file, which would imply that cogger does offer some speedups.
I'll let Even confirm...

Le ven. 4 juin 2021 à 18:14, <matt.wil...@yukon.ca> a écrit :

> Is cogger specifically for the scenario where your converting a large
> imagery library that already exists, but isn't cloud optimized? i.e. Does
> it offer any advantages over the one step `gdal_translate -of cog ...` when
> starting fresh?
> Cheers,
> Matt
> Geomatics Analyst | Environment | T 867-667-8133 | Yukon.ca
> Hours: 08:30-16:30, Tue-Wed: Office, Thu-Fri: Remote.
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