Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>  wrote:

>> However, QGIS seems to drop the native fids and generate new ones but that's 
>> another problem to learn to circumvent.
> Hum, I'm afraid it will not be easy. The QGIS WFS / OAPIF provider stores 
> internally the feature id in the 
> internal feature cache but doesn't expose it. The QGIS feature id you get 
> from such layer is a purely 
> synthetical one, and that may change between sessions. Trying to remember 
> about that design choice,
> there are several reasons:
* if the WFS layer is a result of a join operation, there is no unique id
* if we exposed the gml:id (or JSON id) as a regular field, that could cause 
issues for transactional WFS support where you don't want users to modify that 

In that case I think we must publish the id two times in the OAPIF service, 
once as the id member and another time as  "landmark_id" or something in the 
feature properties because the id is meaningful for the users. They must be 
able to search by landmark_id and show them on the map.

> That could probably be changed pending some work.


> Even
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