Watching this thread with interest. I’ve wanted to do the same, but from python.


From: gdal-dev <> On Behalf Of Javier Jimenez 
Sent: July 30, 2021 11:19 AM
To: gdal dev <>
Subject: [gdal-dev] Downscaled geotiff with overviews


I want to make a (power-of-two) downscaled version of a geotiff with overviews 
efficiently with C++ (not from the console).

Let's say I have a geotiff with overviews (external or internal), and I want a 
copy of it, but at 50% of the size. That is just removing the "base" of the 
pyramid, but keeping all the other levels. Then voilà, there you have the 
geotiff 50% smaller, with the overviews already there, almost without any 
computation. The same for 25% (and any power of 2).

However I do not figure out how to do it efficiently in C++. If I understand 
correctly, CreateCopy is producing an image with the same size. So to downscale 
I have to create a new image, read downscaled (that will use the overviews) and 
write. But later, I have to recreate the overviews on the new image... that are 
already in the original image.

Is there any way to make it efficiently? (as we have the data there)

.___ ._ ..._ .. . ._.  .___ .. __ . _. . __..  ... .... ._ .__
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