Le 28/09/2021 à 09:04, Rahkonen Jukka (MML) a écrit :


Even Rouault wrote:

> One option to avoid both issues would be for the service to publish

> DescribedBy links at the collection level that would point to a XML

> schema (using a GML Simple Feature schema profile, such as the one

> understood by the GML driver) or a JSON schema (not "too" complicated too).

> Both are handled by the driver.

We added JSON schema and ogrinfo seems to read it, but it still wants to read one page of data:

ah you're right. Yes, looking at the code it will always read one page. There might be missing information in the schema, in particular for the layer geometry type (not always filled in XML schema, and most likely never in JSON schema, or at least the logic for that isn't implemented). It also takes the opportunity to look at other things such as the numberMatched information to be able to response to GetFeatureCount(), although that could potentially be skipped and defered when it is invoked.

ogrinfo OAPIF:http://some.internal.service/features/collections/PalstanSijaintitiedot/ -al -so -oo PAGE_SIZE=10000 -nocount -noextent -nogeomtype --debug on

HTTP: Fetch(http://some.internal.service /features/collections/PalstanSijaintitiedot/schema)

HTTP: These HTTP headers were set: Accept: application/schema+json

OAPIF: Using JSON schema

HTTP: Fetch(http://some.internal.service /features/collections/PalstanSijaintitiedot/items?f=json&limit=10000)

I wonder if there is still something in ogrinfo that I cannot turn off and what triggers the need to read some features, perhaps the coordinate system.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

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