
Large MaxConnections value leads to more concurrent requests and it may cause 
problems if the WMS server is very busy. Reducing MaxConnections may help if 
you are the only user of that WMS but if there are thousands of other users as 
well the service may still run at 100% and drop request either because they 
reach the server side timeout or because load balancer denies requests. If the 
overload is temporary then retry after a while could help but I do not believe 
that GDAL WMS driver can be configured that way  
https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/wms.html.  Special tile cache programs like 
GeoWebCache are better prepared for failing requests 

The GDAL WMS configuration options are documented only by example 
https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/wms.html. I wonder where I could find 
information about the meaning of options that I can't guess by the name, like 

 -Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer <roman.schif...@gmail.com>
Lähetetty: perjantai 19. marraskuuta 2021 10.18
Vastaanottaja: Rahkonen Jukka (MML) <jukka.rahko...@maanmittauslaitos.fi>; 
Aihe: Re: [gdal-dev] GDALWMS - error: TCP connection reset by peer

Dear Jukka!

Thanks for your answer! I think I'm gonna follow that road you suggested.

We have been thinking a lot and I was just wondering if there could be some 
GDAL configuration which could cause that behaviour? For example the value for 
<MaxConnections> in the WMS XML file? Or if more applications are accessing the 
same WMS XML at the same time which is theoretically possible in our case.

Best regards
Am 18.11.2021 um 12:12 schrieb Rahkonen Jukka (MML):

It seems that the WMS server is closing the door and there is nothing else to 
do on the GDAL side except to try again later. Contact the WMS service 
maintainer and report your troubles. They may be able to provide you a more 
reliable service especially if you are ready to pay for it.

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: gdal-dev 
Puolesta Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer
Lähetetty: torstai 18. marraskuuta 2021 11.59
Vastaanottaja: gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org<mailto:gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org>
Aihe: [gdal-dev] GDALWMS - error: TCP connection reset by peer

Dear all!

We are running a Python application an a linux distribution (RedHat) which 
creates clips in MBTILES format from a WMS. We are using the Python-API and are 
basically doing something like this:

src_ds = gdal.Warp(
    outputBounds=[bbox[0], bbox[2], bbox[1], bbox[3]],
ds_out = gdal.Translate(

The application throughs an error from time to time since a few days. We 
couldn't figure out a pattern yet and therefore we are also not able to 
reproduce the error. The error is the following:

Mon Nov 15 13:48:13 2021: CPLError: GDALWMS: Unable to download block 2765, 602.
URL: TCP connection reset by peer
  HTTP status code: 0, error: TCP connection reset by peer.
Add the HTTP status code to <ZeroBlockHttpCodes> to ignore this error (see 
Mon Nov 15 13:48:13 2021: CPLError: /wms_xml/wms_config.xml, band 1: IReadBlock 
failed at X offset 2764, Y offset 601
Mon Nov 15 13:48:13 2021: CPLError: GetBlockRef failed at X block offset 2764, 
Y block offset 601

The exact same data gets processed successfully in one run and not successfully 
in another run. We didn't change the code nor the Python or GDAL version. 
Hence, we are kind of puzzled as the error comes and goes seemingly at random.

Does anyone of you have any hints?

Thanks & best regards!


Dipl.-Ing. Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer, MSc. (GIS)



Dipl.-Ing. Roman Breitfuss-Schiffer, MSc. (GIS)

Veronikagasse 38/20, 1170 Wien

+43 664 5547678
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