On Thu, 13 Jan 2022 at 07:25, Rafael Lima <rapl...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> I installed gdal on a Windows environment using anaconda and tried using one 
> of the .py scripts (e.g., ogrmerge.py). I expected the script to make use of 
> the gdal installed in such an environment, but it seems that the script finds 
> another gdal installation (screenshot below), thus throwing an error. My 
> question seems to be related to the one in stackoverflow, apparently 
> unsolved. I was wondering what is the correct approach to make sure gdal 
> scripts find the correct gdal?

Try calling the script directly using the CONDA_PREFIX environment
variable, i.e.:

(test1) C:\> python %CONDA_PREFIX%\Scripts\ogrmerge.py
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