
Greg Troxel wrote:

> If that is meant to apply mainly to drivers with proprietary SDKs, it
> looks fine.   It's a little hard to tell which things apply to drivers
> that don't have proprietary dependencies.
I think that even drivers with no proprietary dependencies require a thorough 
understanding about what they do and how they work and for example what 
standards they try to implement. It could mean hours or days for a generic GDAL 
maintainer to make the first bug fix.

> For example:
> Drivers require a designated responsible contact.
> seems perhaps a bit much, perhaps not, for something that is actually Free 
> Software.
The intention of the RFC, as I understand it, is to clarify that no new drivers 
will be accepted without a named maintainer. For a Free Software there is room 
to live also outside GDAL. 

> Besides proprietary SDKs being a problem because the users can't read them 
> and fix bugs, they are also non-portable.
I belong to those users who can't read and fix even Free Software but depend on 

-Jukka Rahkonen-
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