Thanks for this discussion Paul, I can also add into the chaos that Windows Server x64 has known issues with reading environment variables (so in my case, for all MS4W x64 deployments, I have MS4W search known locations for the bundle, as a workaround for the code that fails to find the environment variables in the GDAL/PROJ/MapServer stack). Recently MapServer now has a config file where you can set these variables, to avoid that problem. I believe the GDAL/PROJ stack needs something like this as well, to avoid the reliance on these system environment variables (full disclosure: I need to test if proj.ini accepts the cacert bundle as an environment variable, so my above point could be wrong, totally). But I'm often wrong ha.


Jeff McKenna
GatewayGeo: Developers of MS4W, MapServer Consulting and Training
co-founder of FOSS4G

On 2022-02-11 1:24 p.m., Paul Harwood wrote:
I have an application that uses GDAL with Proj Networking set on.

This is a cross platform application. It works on some platforms but on mac (for instance) I get runtime errors like this

GDAL failure (1) PROJ: Cannot open <>: error setting certificate file: xxx/cacert.pem

Proj is looking in the wrong place for the cacert file - which is in the proj search path. I would rather avoid using environment variables (complicated). Is there a programmatic way to set the Proj cacert location or a default location?

currently - the following are set

Gdal.SetConfigOption("CURL_CA_BUNDLE", Path.Combine(gdalData, "cacert.pem"));

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