
One criterion currently for inclusion is: "In this section we list a number of the binary distributions of GDAL all of which should have fully reproducible open source build recipes."

I've not evaluated what the current situation of OSGeo4W or gisinternals is regarding this, especially regarding all direct and indirect dependencies of GDAL (or course, that must stop at the compiler level when using Visual Studio). I believe nowadays OSGeo4W must be closer to that aim of having fully reproducible builds, but I'm not sure to which extent. For gisinternals I'm not sure. It was my impression that the build recipees for the dependencies were not available, but maybe I'm wrong. I'll let the developers of those distributions comment further if they wish.


Le 17/02/2022 à 17:17, Thomas Gratier a écrit :

I regularly orient third parties to use GDAL utilities and for this intent, point them to install section

For Windows, I did not see a user friendly section about how to install it. I want to mention in the doc how to install with OSGEO4W and
Opinions? If ok, I will do a PR later on the github repo


Thomas Gratier

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