
you need to install the "libproj-dev" package.

Looking at the CI build recipees is a source of good hints in general: (this one has pretty much all the pre packaged dependencies. you don't need all that)


Le 18/02/2022 à 23:34, Matt Wilkie a écrit :
This what I've come up with:

Create new >> search for gdal >> select OSGeo/gdal

On launch:

-- Could NOT find PROJ (missing: PROJ_DIR)

CMake Error at /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/cmake/3.22.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:230 (message):

Could NOT find PROJ (missing: PROJ_LIBRARY PROJ_INCLUDE_DIR) (Required is

at least version "6.0")

Call Stack (most recent call first):

/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/Cellar/cmake/3.22.2/share/cmake/Modules/FindPackageHandleStandardArgs.cmake:594 (_FPHSA_FAILURE_MESSAGE)

cmake/modules/packages/FindPROJ.cmake:57 (find_package_handle_standard_args)

cmake/helpers/CheckDependentLibraries.cmake:303 (find_package)

gdal.cmake:210 (include)

CMakeLists.txt:206 (include)

Attempted to remedy this with `sudo apt install proj-bin` but same error from `cmake .`


The below adapted from

cd /workspace/gdal


./configure --with-python

Fails with "configure: error: PROJ 6 symbols not found".

tried `sudo apt install proj-bin` and repeated above, same error.

Version of proj that's installed with this is 6.3.1.

Try building Proj from source (takes awhile):

cd /workspace

wget <>

tar zxf proj-*.gz

cd proj-6.3.1


make && sudo make install

Now try again (takes much longer):

cd /workspace/gdal


./configure --with-python

make -j8

sudo make install

It works!

. scripts/

gdalinfo --version

GDAL 3.5.0dev-39057d7396, released 2022/02/18

uname -a
inux osgeo-gdal-j6a7bhjf0c8 5.13.0-1013-gcp #16-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jan 18 14:31:35 UTC 2022 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

I'm still unable to successfully install a python wheel of gdal-utils, because pip is calling g++ which in turn is not finding libgdal, but it still feels like significant progress to get this far! :)


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