On Sat, 2 Apr 2022, Philippe Lelong wrote:

Hi again,

Still fighting with that one.>

I have tried to not run gdal multithreaded, same issue. I have also
tried to replace malloc(nSize) with calloc(1, nSize) in VSIMalloc to
make sure the memory is initialized, same issue. And many other
things... still crashing.

I don't know how to interpret the logs I joined in the previous mail
with VSIMalloc etc debugging, do you see anything special in them?

Any other idea I can try to isolate the problem?

Is valgrind an option, or would that replace the problem memory library ?

I believe that valgrind is not the only memory debugger.


The "swap is low" message
03-28 21:02:14.511   583   583 I lmkd    : Reclaim 'android.process.acore' 
(27861), uid 10071, oom_score_adj 850, state 99 to free 33916kB rss, 56816kB swap; 
reason: low watermark is breached and swap is low (1848484kB < 838860kB)
is intriguing - to me it suggests a 32bit sign issue
     1 848 484 kB <
       838 860 kB
Could there be a 32/64bit library mismatch ?

Andrew C. Aitchison                                     Kendal, UK
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