Hi, I would expect these 2 ways of running GDAL warp should produce the same results.
gdalwarp -t_srs EPSG:3857 \ -te 558728 5789851 1242296 7544030 \ -ts 500 500 \ "WMS:,-85.051129,180.000000,85.051129" \ /tmp/result1.tif and from osgeo import gdal from osgeo import gdalconst width = height = 500 url = "WMS:,-85.051129,180.000000,85.051129 " ds = gdal.Open(url, gdalconst.GA_ReadOnly) ds_img = gdal.Warp( "/tmp/result2.tif", ds, options=gdal.WarpOptions( width=width, height=height, outputBounds=(558728, 5789851, 1242296, 7544030), dstSRS="EPSG:3857", ), ) But in the first case I get what I expect but in the second one I get a raster with right spatial extent but 0 in all bands. What am I missing?
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