
you indeed spotted an hardcoded limit in the the GeoJSONSeq driver. Addressed per


Le 09/08/2022 à 05:20, Theo Linnemann a écrit :

    Hi There,

    I'm working with a set of fairly large geojsonl files, one for
    each state and territory in the United States. I'm using ogr2ogr
    to ingest this data into PostGIS, generally without issue, to
    speed up an expensive geospatial join.

    However, one of my files, specifically the Commonwealth of
    Pennsylvania, is about 6.5 GB and has been throwing an odd error
    that I can't seem to find much information on. "ERROR 6: Too large
    feature". Below is the command and output from running ogrinfo
    with the debug flag set to on, which returns the same error.

    I'm just hoping for some guidance in terms of what if anything I
    can do to sidestep the issue.

    So far, I've taken a look at what seems to be the GDAL source code
    that generates this error
    but it's unclear to me if it's possible to adjust the size
    constraint that is specified in the condition that throws the
    error or if the constraint is arbitrary or indicative of a larger
    problem with the file. I've already tried using the -gt flag with
    various sizes as well, but none seem to resolve the issue. I ran
    into an issue previously that required me to set
    OGR_GEOJSON_MAX_OBJ_SIZE=2048MB but that doesn't seem to have any
    effect here for some reason. Perhaps that only effects the GeoJSON
    driver and not the GeoJSONSeq driver? For what it's worth this is
    running on a node with ~350GB of RAM, so generally memory
    shouldn't be an issue.

    ogrinfo --version
    GDAL 3.5.0, released 2022/05/10

    ogrinfo --build

    ogrinfo crs4326_fema_42_2022-07-22.geojsonl --debug ON
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 0.06 %
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 0.12 %
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 0.18 %
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 92.08 %
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 92.14 %
    GeoJSONSeq: First pass: 92.20 %
    ERROR 6: Too large feature
    GDAL: GDALOpen(crs4326_fema_42_2022-07-22.geojsonl,
    this=0x564966fae8b0) succeeds as GeoJSONSeq.
    INFO: Open of `crs4326_fema_42_2022-07-22.geojsonl'
          using driver `GeoJSONSeq' successful.
    OGR: GetLayerCount() = 1

    1: crs4326_fema_42_2022-07-22 (Multi Polygon)
    GDAL: GDALClose(crs4326_fema_42_2022-07-22.geojsonl,
    GDAL: In GDALDestroy - unloading GDAL shared library.

    Thank you for any help you're able to offer, it's much appreciated.


    Theo Linnemann <>

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