
The GML driver shows behavior that I do not understand: When I load a feature 
with a gml:Polygon, which, in the gfs file, is defined with 
GeomPropertyDefn/Type = Surface, then the geometry does not appear to be 
understood. At least when I try to load the data in QGIS 3.28.0, then the layer 
has an unknown geometry type. If, on the other hand, I set 
GeomPropertyDefn/Type to "Polygon", "MultiPolygon", or even "MultiSurface", the 
geometry is recognized. Same problem if the feature has a gml:LineString as 
geometry, and I declare it as GeomPropertyDefn/Type = Curve.

What am I missing here? :-)

Is there some documentation available that sheds light on which gfs geometry 
type values support which GML geometry types?

Best regards,
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