H Sean,

If we don't want to think about official media types at all, which might be a good idea, couldn't we use driver names instead? "JPEG; foo=bar" instead of "image/jpeg; foo=bar" for example.

Initially I had used driver names + a char** papszOptions for ReadCompressedData(), but I also needed characteristics of the format to be returned in the list of strings of GetCompressionFormats(). So I figured out that using a single string with a MIME type syntax could suit both purposes while being (or maybe just looking) more standard. The reasoning was that parameters are not really driver specific, but are about characteristics of the underlying format (you could request "image/jpeg;foo=bar" to the JPEG, JPEGXL or GTiff drivers). But indeed this is a "mime type-like" syntax, not necessarily a strictly IANA conforming one. Given that this is intended to be mostly a GDAL internal implementation detail for inter-driver communication, I don't think adhering strictly to IANA rules is critical But I have no strong opinion and changing that to using driver-like names without the "image/" prefix isn't a big deal if you feel that is better.


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