Joe Lovick via gdal-dev <> writes:

>        What is the recommended processing paradigm for slightly
> off-nadir imagery where their is a need for a full [3x3] matrix
> mapping to take it to a consistent projection? ie the images have at a
> minimum perspective effects.
>     the reason i ask, is i have a significant image pile that needs
> this re-projection to remove camera lens + perspective effects , to
> map it to a consistent conformal projection? Can i do this with
> gdal_warp? or do i need to code this up, and then go from their once
> their is just a rotation / scale left.

I have contemplated acquiring imagery and processing it, but so far only
contemplated.  My impression is that you need to resample, not just compute a
transform (hence gdalwarp vs vrt), because most things that use imagery
expect at most only transform, scale and rotation.

One thing that I found that may be useful is

however it seems to have "docker is the approach" which generally makes
me suspicious of build system hygiene.  That may just be spin and not
real, though.
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