
cf https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/8926 for a proposed resolution that is hopefully a good-enough compromise. In short, numpy as a *build* requirement (if using pip. if you use setuptools directly, you may set an env var if you really really don't want to have numpy in your way), but an optional runtime dependency.


Le 04/12/2023 à 19:38, Even Rouault via gdal-dev a écrit :

The current situation where numpy is an optional dependency of the GDAL Python bindings is quite cumbersome to deal with our setup.py's setuptools . All details (a bit tricky) in https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/issues/8069 . It seems it would be simpler if the bindings just required numpy, which is the confugration most people using the bindings likely actually end up using anyway.

Any opposition to that?


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