> On Dec 15, 2023, at 8:35 AM, Even Rouault via gdal-dev 
> <gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org> wrote:
> Thoughts ? (given the length of the email, it should probably be formalized 
> as a RFC. I'll do that, unless there is a massive uprising against the 
> proposal...)

If the scope of this were to unvendor just these four (libjpeg, libpng, zlib, 
giflib), I think it is enough to start, but it brings up the question of 
whether or not JPEG, PNG, and GIF support are hard dependencies in GDAL 
afterward. They're always available no matter how you build  now, so would we 
make them hard dependencies or relax them to optional after unvendoring? I 
assume zlib would move to a hard dependency of GDAL.


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