
Out of curiosity, what is the purpose of using inf or -inf as values? Is it to 
use them as placeholders telling that you do not know yet what the 
georeferenced coordinates of the ground control points are?

-Jukka Rahkonen-

Lähettäjä: gdal-dev <gdal-dev-boun...@lists.osgeo.org> Puolesta Pierluigi 
Guasqui via gdal-dev
Lähetetty: torstai 25. tammikuuta 2024 13.34
Vastaanottaja: gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Aihe: [gdal-dev] Bad values when reading GCPs from a VRT file with gdalinfo in 
GDAL 3.8.3

Dear GDAL team,

I am using GDAL version 3.8.3 and I am trying to extract GCPs values with 
gdalinfo tool from a VRT file (attached).

As you can see by looking at the VRT file with a text editor GCP XYZ values are 
infinite values. When I read GCPs from the attached VRT file with gdalinfo 
(latest version GDAL v. 3.8.3) I am getting all zeros:

GCP[  0]: Id=0, Info=
          (0,0) -> (0,0,0)

Instead, if I use gdalinfo (GDAL v. 3.6.3) I am getting the correct values:

GCP[  0]: Id=0, Info=
          (0,0) -> (inf,inf,-inf)

Is this a bug with GDAL 3.8.3?

Thank you for your help!

Pierluigi Guasqui
Software Engineer

Applied Coherent Technology Corporation (ACT)
gdal-dev mailing list

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