
Is there a LAUNDER for geopackages?

I ask this because at the following site:


Gives this specific guidance:

Note: *For maximum interoperability,* start your database identifiers
(table names, column names, etc.) with a lowercase character and only
use *lowercase
characters*, numbers 0-9, and underscores (_).

Which then turned into a *constraint* in GeoNode (I could not upload a
certain geopackage from the township of langley) where I eventually
discovered in the celery logs this error:

ERROR/ForkPoolWorker-958] {'validation_code': 'RQ1',
'validation_description': 'Layer names must start with a letter, and
*valid characters are lowercase a-z*, numbers or underscores.', 'level':
'error', 'locations': ['Error layer: Parcel_Attributes']}

I would love LAUNDER to be a more global option.

Upper for: Oracle and Shapefiles.
Lower for: Postgresql, Mysql, geopackages

Just wondering,

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