The bbox is created using the xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax found in the geometry. Assuming every pixel can be represented as a geometry, that's your bbox.

On 5/3/24 13:18, Simon Eves via gdal-dev wrote:
Yes, but that's just the corners.

Consider, say, a raster that contains a satellite sweep which is not axis-aligned but forms a "windshield wiper" shape in lon/lat space. The bounding box of ALL the pixels is not just the bounding box of the corners.

On Fri, May 3, 2024 at 1:09 PM Javier Jimenez Shaw < <>> wrote:

    Maybe I don't understand your question, but in gdalinfo you have the
    four corners as lat-lon

    On Fri, 3 May 2024, 21:46 Simon Eves via gdal-dev,
    < <>> wrote:

        So we are trying to optimize our raster import process, and
        particularly the steps to derive the final WGS84/4326 bounding
        box for a raster file or tile thereof.

        Obviously in the general case, the transform is from integer
        pixel coordinate through the Affine Transformation matrix and
        then whatever OGRCoordinateTransformation is required to get to
        WGS84/4326, and perhaps a GCP-based mesh transformation too.

        Currently we are deriving the bounding box by passing all pixels
        of the four edges of the file/tile through the full transform,
        except in the simple Affine-only case where we just transform
        the four corners.

        Is there any shortcut API provided by GDAL or PROJ to allow the
        bounding box to be computed (or at least safely over-estimated)
in the general case? I'm assuming that even a non-GCP OGRCT could still be non-linear such that just transforming the
        corners is insufficient.

        Thanks in advance,


-- Simon Eves
        Senior Rendering Engineer
        +1 (415) 902-1996 <>


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