Hey Even,

thank you for the exceptionally quick and helpful reply! Switching to the 
GPKG/MEMORY drivers did indeed fix the problem, and since I don’t rely on the 
output being a shapefile this works perfectly fine for me. I never thought 
about switching to a different driver.

Thanks again for the great work!

- Luis

From: Even Rouault <even.roua...@spatialys.com>
Sent: 20 June 2024 19:43
To: Michaelis, Luis <luis.michae...@iee.fraunhofer.de>; gdal-dev@lists.osgeo.org
Subject: Re: [gdal-dev] Question: Layer intersection in Python


the issue is that shapefile layers do not really support a genuine unknown 
layer geometry type. They accept it on layer creation, but as soon as you write 
the first feature into it, the feature layer geometry type is used as the layer 
geometry type, and shapefile don't accept a mix of points and multipoints. 
Which brings to another issue is that PROMOTE_TO_MULTI until now only affected 
lines and polygons, not points. I've fixed this with 
https://github.com/OSGeo/gdal/pull/10258 .

One workaround for you is to write your result in a Memory layer or a 
GeoPackage layer for example, and then use gdal.VectorTranslate() to convert it 
to a multipoint shapefile

Le 20/06/2024 à 14:11, Michaelis, Luis via gdal-dev a écrit :
Hello GDAL devs!
I’ve got a question about layer intersection detection.

I’d like to use the GDAL Python interface to do batched intersection checks 
between two vector layers, one containing only two-point line strings and one 
containing terrain contour lines. To compute these intersections, I would like 
to use the `ogr.Layer.Intersection` function, since it is supposed do batched 
intersection detection in native code.

Since all of the intersections will either be points or multi points, I was 
options, to record the intersections into a new layer with a multi-point 
geometry. This, however, does not work and I simply don’t get any intersections 
at all. Setting the geometry to just points does also not work. In neither of 
these cases are any errors or warnings issued.

When I use a destination layer with a `wkbUnknown` geometry however, I do get 
warnings about it trying to add muti-point geometries to a point layer (which I 
would sort of expect). Setting `SKIP_FAILURES` and saving the resulting shape, 
I can actually see the intersection points but as expected, I can’t see the 
multipoint intersections. They’re simply missing.

So, the question is: am I missing something? Do need to add some metadata 
information to the destination layer before computing the intersections or is 
what I’m trying to do impossible?

Here’s the code I’ve written: 

- Luis


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